Friday, 26 February 2016

Hi! Only a few hours left before the end of the Challenge, so in this post I'm going to wrap up the current status of my project. Still I hope this post is not the last one :)

The idea of the project

The idea was to build a smart toy with a main purpose to help babies to develop crawling activity. So what has been done so far?

  Robot chassis

The robot chassis prototype has been built. For the basis of the chassis I'm using Boe-Bot Parts Kit from Parallax:

I've made slight modifications that allow me to mount the Raspberry Pi A+ on the Aluminum Chassis:

Also I've replaced Parallax standard servos from the kit with SM-S4303R continuous rotation servos. SM-S4303R has slightly higher rotation speed. The robot power source is 4xAA NiMh rechargeable battery pack:

Since the output voltage of the pack equals 4.8 V and does not provide enough power for Raspberry Pi, servos and other electronic parts, I'm using MT3608 DC-DC Step Up Power Apply Module to increase voltage to 5 V. Also my experiments have shown that Raspberry Pi is very sensitive to current spikes produced by servos and freezes every time when they start to rotate. To fix this I'm decided to use separate circuit to power Raspberry Pi. As a result power circuit contains two MT3608, connected in parallel to the power source:

Robot configuration highlights

The robot is connected to the wireless router via Wi-Fi wireless USB Adapter Dongle  and configured to use static IP address inside a LAN.
To control the servos of the robot I'm using ServoBlaster driver software. Pins 15 and 16 of the Raspberry Pi header are configured to control servos. So, /dev/servoblaster-cfg configuration file content:


    Servo mapping:
         0 on P1-15          GPIO-22
         1 on P1-16          GPIO-23

Robot software

The project sources can be found at It is a maven-based multi-module project. The module bcbot-robot includes functionality intended to deploy to the Raspberry Pi. Current version of the module includes implementation of several Apache Camel routes and Californium CoAP resourses. The software runs on Raspberry Pi as a standalone Java application. The RobotMain class boots entire application. The class has several dependences:
 Main is used to boot up Camel Context, CoapServer is used to initialize embedded Californium CoAP Server instance.

Robot CoAP resources

Several CoAP resources were implemented and can be found in xyz.sergevas.iot.bcbot.robot.coap package. Current implementation contains hierarchy of the CoAP resources with MoveResource  class as a root resource for the robot motion control. To configure CoAP server org.apache.camel.main.MainListener was implemented:

public static class RobotManagementEvent extends MainListenerSupport {
        public void afterStart(MainSupport main) {
            try {
                ROBOT_COAP_SERVER.add(new RobotResource("robot", main.getCamelContexts().get(0)));
                LOG.debug("Starting the robot CoAP server...");
                LOG.debug("The robot CoAP server started...");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to configure and start the robot CoAP server...", e);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to configure and start the robot CoAP server...",
        public void afterStop(MainSupport main) {
            LOG.debug("Stopping the robot CoAP server...");

Servo control

To control the robot servos Apache Camel routes were implemented in the class ServoRoute. Exec Camel component interacts with the Raspberry Pi file system in order to update /dev/servoblaster file thus controlling the servo speed and rotation direction.  Here is the example of URI that executes echo command with Linux command interpreter:

+ "/dev/servoblaster%20;%20echo%20{{}}={{servo.left.speed.slow.fw}}%20%3E%20"
+ "/dev/servoblaster%22")

All constant values moved to the properties file. After substitution of values:
exec:sh?args=-c "echo 0=162 > /dev/servoblaster ; echo 0=140 > /dev/servoblaster"  
The routes are called from CoAP resources through the proxy service that is created using Camel ProxyBuilder class:
public class BackwardResource extends CoapResource {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ForwardResource.class);
 private RobotMove robotMove;

 public BackwardResource(String name, CamelContext camelContext) throws Exception {
  robotMove = new ProxyBuilder(camelContext).endpoint(ROBOT_MOVE_BACKWARD_ROUTE)
 public void handlePUT(CoapExchange exchange) {
  LOG.debug(format("Start handlde PUT for CoapExchange with text [%s]",
  String robotSpeedMode = exchange.getRequestText();
          format("Start Calling Camel route to move the robot backward with speed mode [%s]",
  LOG.debug("End calling Camel route...");

Deployment model

The project is built and deployed in one click as an executable fat jar using maven Shade Plugin. Linux service wrapper was created to run the robot software on the Raspberry Pi. The service .sh file is created during the deploy maven phase from the Apache Velocity template  every time the build process runs.


 I have recorded a short video that demonstrates how the robot can be controlled remotely using Copper CoAP user agent for Firefox. You can see the robot resources: 

Currently only PUT CoAP methods are supported by the resources.
As a message body, resources expect a string with the following possible values:
"SLOW", "MEDIUM" and "FAST". These values represent the robot speed modes. The values are propagated as an input message payload to Camel routes and used in content based router EIP implementation:
                + "%20;%20echo%20{{}}={{servo.left.speed.slow.fw}} %20%3E%20/dev/servoblaster%22")
                + "%20;%20echo%20{{}}={{servo.left.speed.medium.fw}}%20%3E%20/dev/servoblaster%22")"
                + "%20;%20echo%20{{}}={{}}%20%3E%20/dev/servoblaster%22")

Feasibility Test

And here is a small test that can be considered successful :). The efforts of my six-month son encouraged me to continue my work.